American Counseling Association: The ACA is an educational, scientific and professional organization whose members are dedicated to the enhancement of human development throughout the life span. Membership in the ACA is an indication of pride in the counseling profession, of support for advancing the field of counseling and the services it delivers.
American Psychological Association: The APA is the world's largest organization of psychologists. (Note: wording in Washington State Counselor Law prevents Registered or Licensed Counselors from using the term "psychologist" within their practice.)
Anger Management: Anger in and of itself is a normal and healthy emotion. However for some, it becomes an overwhelming drive that creates social, interpersonal or intrapersonal conflict. This is why we strive to manage anger rather than eliminate it. There are over 20 different facets to anger, and determining the particular problem areas within a particular individual can be very beneficial for streamlining counseling for that individual.
Substance Use Disorder: SUD involves patterns of symptoms caused by using a substance that an individual continues taking despite its negative effects.
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: In CBT the therapist and patient(s) agrees on goals for therapy. Following the initial evaluation, the therapist works with the patient to specify goals for therapy and to prioritize them. Although CBT is categorized as a "brief therapy" this does not mean it is hasty or cursory. Instead, it is strategic and thus has the advantage of significant progress often being seen in a relatively short amount of time, saving the patient both time and money.
Couples Counseling: See Relationship Counseling
Domestic Violence: The desire to dominate and control the partner or other household member by use of psychological, physical, sexual, and/or social/environmental pressure.
Licensed Mental Health Counselor: Under Counselor Law, there are two levels of credentialing: "Associate", and "Licensed". An Associate may not provide independent mental health counseling. Licensure is the more restrictive credential, meaning that a more stringent process must be passed by the counselor. In Washington State, this is a legal credentialing process recognizing an individual that qualifies by a state-approved examination and meets established educational prerequisites, has had post-graduate supervision by a qualified supervisor, and which protects the title of practice. No person may represent oneself as licensed or use any title or description of services suggestive of licensure without applying for licensure, meeting the required qualifications, and being licensed by the Health Department.
Marriage Counseling: See Relationship Counseling
Mental Disorder: Mental disorders are conceptualized as "a clinically significant behavioral or psychological syndrome or pattern that occurs in an individual and that is associated with present distress (e.g., a painful symptom) or disability (i.e., impairment in one or more important areas of functioning) or with a significantly increased risk of suffering death, pain, disability, or an important loss of freedom."--Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 4th Ed.
National Certified Counselor: The National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC) is a professional certification board which certifies counselors as having met standards for the general and specialty practice of professional counseling established by the Board. The NBCC promotes counseling through certification. In pursuit of this mission, the NBCC: 1) promotes quality assurance in counseling practice, 2) promotes the value of counseling, 3) promotes public awareness of quality counseling practice, 4) promotes professionalism in counseling, and 5) promotes leadership in credentialing.
Pre-Marital Therapy: This type of counseling is primarily designed to identify potential problems before they become a difficult situation to the relationship. On some level, a degree of compatibility can be determined, and sources of conflict can be avoided.
Relationship Counseling: There are many different routes that can be taken by two individuals whereby they diverge from a caring relationship and arrive at a conflict-ridden, adversarial one. Whether the relationship consists of husband/wife, brother/sister, Mother/daughter, two lovers, etc., the processes and potential dynamics are the same. Through clinical examination of the relationship, the counselor can identify common and uncommon errors that research has shown to create conflict between individuals. Once identified, certain behavior and perspectives can be altered with the goal of returning to a cooperative relationship. It’s important to point out that the counselor’s recommendations always try to accommodate the value system and cultural preferences of the patient while maximizing the health of the relationship |